Where can I see my builders?

How to find and interact with your matched builders on Weaver

Charlie Chamberlayne avatar
Written by Charlie Chamberlayne
Updated over a week ago

Finding and communicating with your matched builders is easy and straightforward.

Identify your builders directly from your project's page on Weaver

Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to your project, by clicking the 'Projects' tab in the bottom navigation

  2. Click on your project

  3. Now, scroll down to the 'Members' section. Here you will see all of your matched builders.

  4. Click the 'Profile' button to view their profiles, or 'Message' to send them a message.

That's it!

You've successfully found your builders on Weaver.

If there are no builders showing up, this means that you have not had any matches yet.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via email on support@weaver.build or Live Chat. We’d love to hear from you ✨

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