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How to reject and replace a builder
How to reject and replace a builder

How to remove a contractor from your project

Charlie Chamberlayne avatar
Written by Charlie Chamberlayne
Updated over a week ago

Rejecting a builder is a straightforward process that allows you to maintain control over your project and ensure a suitable match for your requirements.

In this quick guide, we will guide you through the steps to reject a builder on Weaver.

📝 You'll need to complete simple a form when you reject a builder, telling us your reasons why

Here's how to reject a builder from your project:

  1. Go to the Projects tab

  2. Select your project

  3. Scroll down to the Members section

  4. Select the 3 dots next to the builder's name

  5. Click 'Reject builder'

  6. Complete the form and submit your response

That's it! ⭐️

Remember to complete the form. This helps us improve our growing network of contractors and provide valuable feedback to the builders as well.

If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, our support team is always available to help you.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via email on or Live Chat. We’d love to hear from you ✨

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